Myron Quon

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Photograph of Myron Quon

Myron Quon has done a wide range of work for both the LGBTQ and Asian American communities. He was raised in Stockton, California, as a child of Chinese immigrants and attended UC Berkeley where he majored in psychology before moving onto law school. After obtaining his degree, he began searching for work that benefitted those who are often outcast in society. He found a job with several organizations such as the National Immigration Law Center and Lambda Legal Defense based in LA, where he defended clients in the LGBTQ community who faced discrimination. Following his work there, he moved to Chicago where he got his MBA at Northwestern. After spending time working in Washington D.C. with the Asian Pacific American Legal Resource Center, he turned to the National Asian Pacific American Families Against Substance Abuse, where he currently works. Quon met his husband, John Joseph, while studying in Chicago. The two have been inseparable since meeting and have been together for six years, ultimately tying the knot in 2008. They currently reside in Washington D.C. with their daughter.

Read Interview

  • Narrator: Myron Quon
  • Date recorded: September 30th, 2013
  • Duration: 78m

When I think about even just going to the Castro more than 10 years ago, I don’t know how many years ago but definitely more than 10, and just having weird anti­Asian or ignorant Asian comments made by mostly white or black people at me and my friends were hanging out in the Castro. I think that the chances of that happening in the Castro now are a lot less.